Hope you learned your letters!
The last 12 Months of TRR Newsletters will be linked here as they are released.
If you would like to contribute an article or pictures to the Thunder River World Guardian send an email to Cheyenne Ranger at
March 2025 Newsletter
As you all know Shotglass and I have had an interesting turn of events. I am pleased to report she does not have multiple myeloma cancer. She does have non-caseating granulomas and unfortunately skin cancer. We are continuing to work through our new challenges in life and are grateful for your prayers and the many blessings we have had
February 2025 Newsletter
One of the most common challenges and/or questions is “shooting position”. Quite often we write in a stage scenario “From position 1…. From position 2…. Etc.”. We list what firearm is to be shot from each position and frequently we assume it is understood to shoot from those positions in the sequence they are listed without saying that
January 2025 Newsletter
Recently we had a shooter’s pistol explode upon firing. This was not a misfire. Luckily no one was injured, the explosion blew half of the shooter’s cylinder off. (There is a new hole in the wall between the loading position and the pistol firing position of Stage 2, Dixie-Cullen Telegraph & Freight Forwarding). We are fortunate that the only damage was to the pistol and the wall.
December 2024 Newsletter
Please remember veterans. Some gave all and all gave some. Myself, my brothers, my father, my uncles, and so many of my friends. They stood in harm’s way for our freedoms.
November 2024 Newsletter
Texas Penny shared an idea about our plate racks. Remember you can shoot at them before our matches. Once you arrive at the match, sign in and get ready, just head down to Stage 1, The Nile City Depot, and shoot off a cylinder or two.
October 2024 Newsletter
You would not be wrong to say they are a vital part of this club— the Very Heart and Soul (many say Ranger Will Kenchum and Rawhide are the liver and spleen but I digress). Many changes will be happening in the coming months—and we’ll keep you posted. As Cowboy has said many times, “Knowledge is Power, but Red Dot is Powder.” ◄ whatever that means?!??
September 2024 Newsletter
There sure is a lot going on these days. Deer hunting, Thanksgiving, Christmas Shopping, Christmas, New Year’s celebrations, Landrun,Comin at Cha, Texas Renaissance Festival, and Last Stand at Thunder River.
August 2024 Newsletter
Just a few quick notes to everyone about LSTR 2024. We had a most excellent BoD mtg today with all board members, (Cheyenne Ranger, Crockett Texas, Doc Jim Harver, Colonel Mackenzie and yours truly), in attendance. We had some awesome additional support from Nile City Slick, Ellie Mae, and Rawhide to help finalize LSTR details. Wow !!! What a great group to work with.
July 2024 Newsletter
As many of you have all seen, my precious Shotglass is now the SASS costume contest queen. It is all my fault. In 1997 I told her, “If you shoot you can buy more costumes.” That was opening Pandora’s box.
May 2024 Newsletter
On May 30, Texas Rooster, aka Fred Hill passed on. He was a founding member of TRR, serving as our president from 2012-14. He was a hard worker who did whatever was necessary to make our club what it is today.
April 2024 Newsletter
The Texas Historical Shootist Society held Trailhead last weekend. It
was also the Texas State Rifle Association’s Cowboy Action Shooting
Discipline State Championship. They put on a very nice match with good
target placement, good sweeps, and great scenarios. The entire match
went very well. I encourage everyone to add Trailhead into your 2025
match plans.
March 2024 Newsletter
It was so good to get back out on the range after such a soggy month. It
was certainly a little cooler than I expected. But it wasn’t raining……