Shooters dress in period-clothing and use firearms that were used from the Civil War era to 1898. All shooters choose an alias: a unique “nickname” that can describe their Western character, has personal significance and relates to the era.
One of the most difficult parts of CAS is coming up with an alias but there are always cowboys ready to lend you a hand. After all, that’s what CAS is about: the spirit of helping and sharing that was found in the Old West.
The matches are made up of several shooting events with a written scenario. The scenarios are western based scenes that require the shooters to role-play an old west character in a movie type setting called a “stage”. The shooter is required to act out the scenario while engaging various targets with period firearms. Most of the stages will require the shooter to use a lever action rifle, a shotgun and one or both revolvers.
Additional information can be found in the “Rules Of Our Game” section of this site.
(A great informational video about CAS by Hickok45)
To participate in this Sport/Hobby/Obsession you will need a “few” pieces of equipment. Let’s begin with….
Tools Of The Trade
Shooters use originals or reproductions of firearms manufactured during the Civil War period to 1898. A match requires two pistols, pistol caliber rifle, and a shotgun. All ammunition must be lead bullets or shot.

— Just remember, as we’re a Cowboy Action club, boots and a hat are required. —