September 2020 Newsletter

I have been asked about the recent announcement from SASS regarding the decision, effective October 1st, of the board to “to step down from their roles within the organization” and “will no longer play a role in the operations of SASS”.

Note: SASS and Founder’s Ranch are separate private for-profit companies registered in New Mexico. The announcement is about SASS, not Founder’s Ranch.

August 2020 Newsletter

Hasn’t 2020 been fun so far. Mask, No Mask. Back to mask again. Can’t come here, can’t go there, either. If it were not for making some smoke and the occasional clang, 2020 so far, has had very few good qualities. But there is hope on the horizon. We still have several months of banging and clanging. If I can get out of these seven day a week shifts.

July 2020 Newsletter

Member Shout-Outs: want to highlight some hard workers on our posses: Cowboy, Three-Finger Jack, Tanner Wright and WildCard Wayne. All four go way past what we expect from posse members.

June 2020 Newsletter

It was great to get back to cowboy shooting! Twenty-five shooters from Magnolia to Florida were on hand to blast away at anything that moved and most of what didn’t.

May 2020 Newsletter

Matches have been put on hold till further notice: unless you have been living under a rock you understand that a person’s health and even life is more important that playing Cowboys and Indians—it’s a close call but, let’s face it, we want you to hang around for a while. So be safe, load ammo and hang in there.

April 2020 Newsletter

Matches have been put on hold till further notice: unless you have been living under a rock you understand that a person’s health and even life is more important that playing Cowboys and Indians—it’s a close call but, let’s face it, we want you to hang around for a while. So be safe, load ammo and hang in there

March 2020 Newsletter

Club Election is ♫a-comin’ down the tracks♪: getting closer to our election which is held at the first match in March, Mar 7. Way the by-laws read: Those who have been nominated can, but do not have to, make a speech at the first match in February, Feb 1. Just so you know. Voting is done by members 18+ years old. Anyone joining before the election will be able to vote.

February 2020 Newsletter

We will have the drawings for the clean match shooters during the safety meeting—do NOT have to be present to win. There are a total of 6 awards so there could be 6 separate winners or Doc Jim Harvey could win them all (he has 11 clean matches for 2019.) List of clean shooters is attached.

January 2020 Newsletter

RO I Class in was a great learning experience. TJD did he usual magnificent job of teaching the material in a fun and meaningful way. More than one of the students were awake at the same time.

December 2019 Newsletter

Its less than 3 weeks now to LSTR 2019. I hope y’all are all planning to come have a great time playing cowboy while honoring our old-time movie icons that served in WWII. After all, since the match is on Dec. 7th, how could we do anything else?