July 2018 Newsletter

Matches report: May 26: Summer dress arrived about the same time as Summer and everyone was very happy the stages had fans. While we shot 6 stages we will be returning to 5 stage matches for the rest of summer.

June 2018 Newsletter

April 28: what a great bunch of cowboys turned out to shoot! We had 3 posses totaling 45 shooters so I think the spring time attendance has arrived. Some folks of note: Shotgun Willie Nelson was making his first appearance while Wild Card Wayne, Macon A. Longshot and The Major are returning after a bit of a vacation—good to have them at the range.

May 2018 Newsletter

March 24: a fun match with a good turnout of 27 shooters. Weather was cooperative and fun was had by all. Check out Suzie’s Pictures they tell the story of the match. April 7: (thanks to BPB for writing the stages this time) was a different story as far as the weather went. The weather ‘experts’ promised us clear skies (and still showed that at match’s end) but we ended up with id-40ºs and wind…

April 2018 Newsletter

Feb 24: twenty-eight shooters beat back the threat of rain and had a right-good time. Details are scare as some of us were sick in bed and no report was submitted by any of our world-famous reporters.

March 2018 Newsletter

Jan 27 Match: nothing like light rain, stiffing breeze building throughout the day and seriously mudding ground conditions to improve our shooting match. Twenty-seven die hards spit in Mother Nature’s face and had a great time no matter what the weather…

February 2018 Newsletter

Dec 30 Match: we had 25 shooters on the last match of 2017. Not a bad turnout as several of us were sick and with end-of-year events just a day away choices had to be made.

January 2018 Newsletter

October 28 dawned cool and clear with a wind that would set your teeth on edge…if you still had your teeth, that is. Thirty-Eight shooters made for 3 posses with enough folks on each one to cover the posse chores…

December 2017 Newsletter

October 28 dawned cool and clear with a wind that would set your teeth on edge…if you still had your teeth, that is. Thirty-Eight shooters made for 3 posses with enough folks on each one to cover the posse chores…

November 2017 Newsletter

Matches Report—Sept 23: what a difference a season makes…or not. It was Fall but no one told Mother Nature. Though the temps were in the lower 30’s (Celsius ?) we are pleased to report that the humidity was keeping pace…

October 2017 Newsletter

The ‘Big One of 17:” yes, we made it with damage and water but we came up on the dry side—finally. Folks had water in their homes and cars less than pristine, yards trashed, a tree or two…