August 2021 Newsletter

The Torch has been passed: as noted previously Nile City Slick is dealing with some serious medical issues. These are of a chronic nature which will occupy him for the foreseeable future. He was the driving force behind the planning, building, decorating and operation of Stage 1: The TRR Depot (we have various members “adopt’ stages to monitor needs and do minor tasks that crop up from time to time.)

July 2021 Newsletter

It’s almost time to wish a Happy Birthday to The United States of America! She’s a ‘young’ 245 years old and looks great for her age. Best way to celebrate is to come out and Shoot at Stuff with your friends at TRR.

June 2021 Newsletter

Well, Mother Nature won for the last meet. We hope she takes a much needed Siesta for this weekend. We have had quite enough rain.

May 2021 Newsletter

Club Officer Election Results: the club voted on March 27 for Vice-President and Secretary. By acclamation everyone present (yea, I know it means the same thing) voted to keep Willie Cheatem as Vice-President for another two years. Cheyenne suffered the same fate for the office of secretary. Thanks to all who contributed to their campaign coffers, your gifts will not be forgotten throughout their terms in office.

April 2021 Newsletter

TRR RO Classes for 2021: we had an even dozen take the SASS RO classes the first weekend of March. TJD was the instructor, host and even provided lunch for the groups. While some of the folks were getting recertified the majority were there for the first time. Thanks to Jack and these members for taking that ‘extra step’ for the club.

March 2021 Newsletter

Rule Book Change: Shooters Handbook, version 25.1, Jan 1, 2021: Ammo may not be jacketed, semi-jacketed, hollow point, plated, or gas checked. Hollow Point ammo is new to the prohibited list—concern is there would be increased splatter.

January 2021 Newsletter

Flash: we are going to have a slightly different stage this Sat; this in response to member requests. Think of it as another Beta test event we keep holding—check out the attached booklet for details. While we’ll have a full set of targets at the jail you only will be shooting at the Marshal (pistol) and Buffalo (rifle) targets + of course all 4 shotgun.

December 2020 Newsletter

I have tried a number of prescription safety glasses but they never are close enough to my regular lenses. After a few tries the costs add up and I go back to my ‘normal’ ones which are are also made of the ballistic plastic but have gaps that have turned out to be too large to keep splatter from getting in.

November 2020 Newsletter

Wow! What a great couple of workdays. There is so much that has been done over the last few workdays. On our major workday, last Saturday, I believe we had broken all attendance records.

October 2020 Newsletter

Well, summer is quickly fading into horizon. This means soon we will go back to our regular Cowboy gear. It also means work days will soon be here. If you would like to adopt a stage, there are a few available. There are several items that we will be addressing.