August 2023 NEWSLETTER

Tombstone Lawdawg was recognized for his support in the construction of the Tombstone Jail building. At the July 22 match, the club presented TLD with a plaque thanking him for his financial support of the Stage 3 building. If it were not for members like TLD, we would probably be shooing off bales of hay out in the open under the hot Texas sun.


The Ironman has come and gone, and all the participants seemed to enjoy
it. At least the comments I heard were positive and nobody came up to me
complaining about how they hated it!

Thunder Hole Long Range Match

Thunder Hole Long Range Match! Target’s out to 600 yards, for big bore single shots, and 400 for big bore lever actions. Sign-up at 7:30 am Safety Meeting at 8:00 am Match starts after safety meeting.

April 2023 Newsletter

The TRR and Willow Hole Cowboys mini-Ironman is fast approaching! It
should be a lot of fun and frivolity over two days with your best buddies. You
can register on the day of the match, but it would be greatly appreciated if
you would let us know ahead of time if you plan to attend. That makes it a
lot easier to have the correct amount of lunch fixin’s on hand.

March 2023 Newsletter

TRR and Willow Hole Cowboys have wanted for some time to put on a
combined match to provide some variety and encourage further
participation in both clubs. When TJD brought up the idea of a mini-
Ironman for TRR, we immediately twisted and mutilated his idea and
thought it made a great opportunity for our joint match. We hope you find it interesting and attend.


Time to think about TRR Officer Elections for 2023: this year the membership will be electing Vice-
President and Secretary, each for a two-year term of office.

January 2023 Newsletter

Well, Last Stand has come and gone for another year. I hope you enjoyed
the expanded version and felt it was worth the money. My overall impression
from talking to people at the match and from the questionnaire responses is
that folks were generally pleased. I do, however, realize that doesn’t mean
everyone liked every part of it, and there are things we’ll work to improve
next year.

December 2022 Newsletter

It’s finally time – LSTR is next week! I know y’all have been waiting
breathlessly for months for the big event. After all, what could possibly be
more important in your life than the upcoming 3-day extravaganza of the
new, expanded, stupendous Last Stand at Thunder River?! Well, OK, maybe taking care of the family, how to deal with inflation, and a few hundred other things…………But now it’s time to put that aside for a few days and have some fun shooting at stuff and seeing if you can beat your BFF to be champion Classic Cowboy Elder Statesman Frontier Cartridge Double Duelist Sharpshooter!

November 2022 Newsletter

LSTR is less than 6 weeks away. Get your registration in now, or let cheyenne know you DEFINITELY plan to attend (and your category—cr). We need to let our caterer know two weeks in advance (by Nov 26 th ) what our headcount is for the banquet (i.e., total shooters). Not to sound too mercenary, but we’ve put a lot of effort and money into LSTR this year because members told us they wanted “the full monty” (side matches and 2-day main match with catered banquet) for an annual match. Show us you mean it by committing to attend (so we don’t lose money!).

October 2022 Newsletter

When TRR started out we were a small group of like-minded cowfolk that wanted to return to those thrilling days of yesteryear. To do this we
had to literally build everything from the ground up using the sweat of our
brows along with our monetary input as well. If not for the members
probably working developing the club for more hours than we actually shot,
there TRR would not exist; and if it did somehow survive, it wouldn’t the the
Best SASS Club in Grimes County, Texas.